Sheldon has accused "anonymous" of spam in the comments of my final post.
What should one expect from a brainless tigger?! I have reviewed the comment entry and determined it to be some kind of secret code. Now I could easily crack this code, but I am a very busy meerkat, starring in TFEOB and I hand this trivial task over to you!
Do Not Fail Me!
Your Beloved Dear Leader,
Tiggerpaka, the Great
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Journal Entry #416: The Final Chapter
DATE: January 18, 2013
TIME: 0800
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
MINIONS REPORTING TO DUTY: General Hedley, General Draco, Captain Nutello, Major Anonsi, Wolfward the Shadow Lord, EagleEye, Cookie, Milne, and **sigh** Sheldon

I suppose you are wondering why I have gathered you here today.
Well, I have an important announcement to make.
We are suspending our "Conquer the Bloggosphere" campaign indefinitely.
Yes, yes, I know you are disappointed.

Each of you has been a very valuable minion, very skillful in your own unique way......(looks at Sheldon)...well, most of you, sort of.
**Clears Throat**
Ahem! Anyhow, See....It's Like this......
**Deep Sigh**
Helga won't let me play with you anymore.
She thinks you minions are a bad influence on the kits.
First there was the loss of Reese to the land mines

Then she caught Peanut chewing on a stick of Dynamite.

And the last straw was after visiting Draco when Puff thought he was a Magic Dragon
and jumped off a cliff.......
turns out he couldn't fly....

Guess he's flying now............
You guys are released from duty.
Return to your world, and look back upon me with fond memories and a smile.

It's not like I'm really going anywhere.
I will still pop in and torment Sheld....I mean Tiggerkat
And if Great Scott knows what's good for him, he will bump up my coverage in TFEOB. (It's a wonder anyone still even reads that blog, since I am hardly in it!)
So, as my Farewell Gift to You----
**runs behind rock and reappears in grass skirt*
My "Aloha / Goodbye / Good Luck to You" Dance

Ok, Now take Your Bug / Gift and Go

Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
TIME: 0800
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
MINIONS REPORTING TO DUTY: General Hedley, General Draco, Captain Nutello, Major Anonsi, Wolfward the Shadow Lord, EagleEye, Cookie, Milne, and **sigh** Sheldon
I suppose you are wondering why I have gathered you here today.
Well, I have an important announcement to make.
We are suspending our "Conquer the Bloggosphere" campaign indefinitely.
Yes, yes, I know you are disappointed.
Each of you has been a very valuable minion, very skillful in your own unique way......(looks at Sheldon)...well, most of you, sort of.
**Clears Throat**
Ahem! Anyhow, See....It's Like this......
**Deep Sigh**
Helga won't let me play with you anymore.
She thinks you minions are a bad influence on the kits.
First there was the loss of Reese to the land mines
Then she caught Peanut chewing on a stick of Dynamite.
And the last straw was after visiting Draco when Puff thought he was a Magic Dragon
and jumped off a cliff.......
turns out he couldn't fly....
Guess he's flying now............
You guys are released from duty.
Return to your world, and look back upon me with fond memories and a smile.
It's not like I'm really going anywhere.
I will still pop in and torment Sheld....I mean Tiggerkat
And if Great Scott knows what's good for him, he will bump up my coverage in TFEOB. (It's a wonder anyone still even reads that blog, since I am hardly in it!)
So, as my Farewell Gift to You----
**runs behind rock and reappears in grass skirt*
My "Aloha / Goodbye / Good Luck to You" Dance
Ok, Now take Your Bug / Gift and Go
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
Monday, January 14, 2013
Journal Entry # 422: A Lesson in Shape Shifting
DATE: January 14, 2013
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
MINIONS REPORTING TO DUTY: Wolfward; Shadow Lord, Shape Shifter

Seargent Wolfward is a great Shape Shifter!
When she first came to me, begging to join my ranks of minions she was a Squid

Then she Shape Shifted into a Gray Wolf with Yellow Eyes

This is a remarkable talent, one that will serve me well
So at today's meeting I will master this Shape Shifting Skill!
I am thinking: Meerkat-Dragon!!

Wolfward: "Excellent Choice, Future Emperor Tiggerpaka! Let's begin"
"First you must clear your mind!"

Wolfward: "Very Good, Sir! Now....Think Wings......Large, Dragon Wings!!"

How do I look, Wolfward? Am I terrifying??

Wolfward: "Uh......Yess, Sir, Terrifying, But not quite There.... Perhaps we build up to Meerkat-Dragon."
Great! I want to Shape Shift into a Fierce Warrior and Leader that No One can Ignore!
Wolfward: "Great! Let's Think Raw Strength and Power, Charisma and Charm!"

How's this, Wolfward?

Wolfward: (holds in giggle) "Very Impressive, Emperor, Sir. Now, Let's go for something really, really Big!"
" Think Large and Powerful!"

Oh yeah! I'm feeling it Now!! What do you think, Wolfward?!

Wolfward: "Uh.....Fantastic! Yes, Fantastic. But Let's Try again, I'll keep it simpler"
"Think Furry and Evil Genius!"

Like this Wolfward? This one feels Fierce! Hand me a Mirror!

Hmmmmmm........Wolfward.......You are Dismissed!
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
MINIONS REPORTING TO DUTY: Wolfward; Shadow Lord, Shape Shifter

Seargent Wolfward is a great Shape Shifter!
When she first came to me, begging to join my ranks of minions she was a Squid

Then she Shape Shifted into a Gray Wolf with Yellow Eyes
This is a remarkable talent, one that will serve me well
So at today's meeting I will master this Shape Shifting Skill!
I am thinking: Meerkat-Dragon!!
Wolfward: "Excellent Choice, Future Emperor Tiggerpaka! Let's begin"
"First you must clear your mind!"
Wolfward: "Very Good, Sir! Now....Think Wings......Large, Dragon Wings!!"
How do I look, Wolfward? Am I terrifying??
Wolfward: "Uh......Yess, Sir, Terrifying, But not quite There.... Perhaps we build up to Meerkat-Dragon."
Great! I want to Shape Shift into a Fierce Warrior and Leader that No One can Ignore!
Wolfward: "Great! Let's Think Raw Strength and Power, Charisma and Charm!"
How's this, Wolfward?
Wolfward: (holds in giggle) "Very Impressive, Emperor, Sir. Now, Let's go for something really, really Big!"
" Think Large and Powerful!"
Oh yeah! I'm feeling it Now!! What do you think, Wolfward?!
Wolfward: "Uh.....Fantastic! Yes, Fantastic. But Let's Try again, I'll keep it simpler"
"Think Furry and Evil Genius!"
Like this Wolfward? This one feels Fierce! Hand me a Mirror!
Hmmmmmm........Wolfward.......You are Dismissed!
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
Friday, January 11, 2013
Journal Entry #398 Training with Hedley
DATE: January 11, 2013
TIME: 1452
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere

Good Posture, there Hedley! At Ease, Minion.
Originally I had planned to have you lead my infantry, But Eagle Eye's recruitment of rats has diminished this role for you. But you are a smart Minion, and I can use those smarts! I hereby promote you to Demolition!

With this new role, Hedley, you will make Bones Shatter!!!
Let me share with you some valuable lessons I have learned from the past as you embark on this new and powerful mission.
#1. Never make a bomb bigger than your transporter

#2. Working with Bombs is Serious Business, Never Prank your fellow Bomber

#.3 Never make a Bomb that you are Tempted to Eat

#4. Always wear Appropriate Gear to Identify Who you Are:

#5. Always Know how to Diffuse Your Bombs:

#6. Never Smoke on the Job:

#7. Know where to put your bomb BEFORE you light the fuse:

Follow those Simple Rules, Hedley and you and I will have a Blast!!
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
TIME: 1452
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
Good Posture, there Hedley! At Ease, Minion.
Originally I had planned to have you lead my infantry, But Eagle Eye's recruitment of rats has diminished this role for you. But you are a smart Minion, and I can use those smarts! I hereby promote you to Demolition!
With this new role, Hedley, you will make Bones Shatter!!!
Let me share with you some valuable lessons I have learned from the past as you embark on this new and powerful mission.
#1. Never make a bomb bigger than your transporter
#2. Working with Bombs is Serious Business, Never Prank your fellow Bomber
#.3 Never make a Bomb that you are Tempted to Eat
#4. Always wear Appropriate Gear to Identify Who you Are:
#5. Always Know how to Diffuse Your Bombs:
#6. Never Smoke on the Job:
#7. Know where to put your bomb BEFORE you light the fuse:
Follow those Simple Rules, Hedley and you and I will have a Blast!!
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Journal Entry: # 384 Establishment of Secret Headquarters
DATE: 1/9/13
TIME: 1542
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
The construction of our top secret headquarters (in my backyard) is complete!
We camouflaged the entrance to TSHQ (Top Secret Head Quarters) with this old tree stump:

Get that ridiculous Welcome Sign off of there!!!
Sheesh! That female knows nothing about being Top Secret!
It was bad enough I had to convince her it was NOT appropriate to have an "Open House" with warm grub cookies and goat's milk!
To further camouflage the site of our TSHQ I have built a play ground for my kits to frolic.

We had to make it "Puff-Proof"-----NO Easy Task...

Once past the tree stump, we descend into the depths of a large burrow dug by my Uncle Mwendawazimu
(don't ponder it, google translate it)

And here we are at Command Central-----That's me in the Lounging Robe
and that's Uncle Mwendawazimu

(He hasn't been quite right in the head every since he escaped that lab)
Yep! From this TSHQ I shall continue my plans to Conquer Pokemon798 and take over the WORLD!!
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off

TIME: 1542
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
The construction of our top secret headquarters (in my backyard) is complete!
We camouflaged the entrance to TSHQ (Top Secret Head Quarters) with this old tree stump:
Get that ridiculous Welcome Sign off of there!!!
Sheesh! That female knows nothing about being Top Secret!
It was bad enough I had to convince her it was NOT appropriate to have an "Open House" with warm grub cookies and goat's milk!
To further camouflage the site of our TSHQ I have built a play ground for my kits to frolic.
We had to make it "Puff-Proof"-----NO Easy Task...
Once past the tree stump, we descend into the depths of a large burrow dug by my Uncle Mwendawazimu
(don't ponder it, google translate it)
And here we are at Command Central-----That's me in the Lounging Robe
and that's Uncle Mwendawazimu
(He hasn't been quite right in the head every since he escaped that lab)
Yep! From this TSHQ I shall continue my plans to Conquer Pokemon798 and take over the WORLD!!
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Journal Entry #345 Update
I, Tiggerpaka the Great, Soon to Be Emperor of the Bloggosphere respectfully submit this update in our mission to take over the bloggosphere. Some day historians will review this record and marvel at our greatness!
So Let's Recap where we stand on our path to Victory:
1. All minions have reported to boot camp, completed training, selected weapons and received top secret code names that can be reviewed on the "meet the minions" page of this blog
2. Completed Reconnaissance with Anonsi, my Reconnaissance Officer. We infiltrated the enemy's base camp and found that he is a terrible house keeper and very disorganized, but masterfully clever with stink bombs and poison!
3. Held secret meeting with Nutello, my Intelligence Officer, which turned out to be a huge disappointment. She dashed all my hope of leading an army of ninja turtles. I am considering a demotion for Nutello to latrine duty.
4. Next I inspected my Aerial Assault Team led by Draco. His Dragon forces are skillful and powerful and will surely crush our enemies! (And we learned that baby dragons are tasty, but cause indigestion!)
5. Next I held a surprise inspection on my Camp Cook, Cookie.
***smiles dreamingly***wipes drool from chin***
Wonderful, wonderful cook..........Cookie will keep the troops fat and happy!
6. Next I met with my Propaganda Secretary, Milne. (named after famed A.A.Milne) Together we designed an amazing media campaign to win over civilians and trick them into submission by having them believe meerkats rule and pokemon798 drools!
7. Finally, I met with Eagle Eye, my commander of my infantry comprised of a variety of rodents. She has them training hard and sharpening their skills under her keen leadership.
We have accomplished a great deal. But we still have a long way to go before we are battle ready. I must conduct a surprise inspection on Hedley. I am thinking of making her my demolitions expert. I was impressed with how she, uh, uses her head.
I also must meet with Wolfward, the shape shifter and **sigh** and I guess, Sheldon. I am still befuddled at what skills she has to offer our mission.
So Let's Recap where we stand on our path to Victory:
1. All minions have reported to boot camp, completed training, selected weapons and received top secret code names that can be reviewed on the "meet the minions" page of this blog
2. Completed Reconnaissance with Anonsi, my Reconnaissance Officer. We infiltrated the enemy's base camp and found that he is a terrible house keeper and very disorganized, but masterfully clever with stink bombs and poison!
3. Held secret meeting with Nutello, my Intelligence Officer, which turned out to be a huge disappointment. She dashed all my hope of leading an army of ninja turtles. I am considering a demotion for Nutello to latrine duty.
4. Next I inspected my Aerial Assault Team led by Draco. His Dragon forces are skillful and powerful and will surely crush our enemies! (And we learned that baby dragons are tasty, but cause indigestion!)
5. Next I held a surprise inspection on my Camp Cook, Cookie.
***smiles dreamingly***wipes drool from chin***
Wonderful, wonderful cook..........Cookie will keep the troops fat and happy!
6. Next I met with my Propaganda Secretary, Milne. (named after famed A.A.Milne) Together we designed an amazing media campaign to win over civilians and trick them into submission by having them believe meerkats rule and pokemon798 drools!
7. Finally, I met with Eagle Eye, my commander of my infantry comprised of a variety of rodents. She has them training hard and sharpening their skills under her keen leadership.
We have accomplished a great deal. But we still have a long way to go before we are battle ready. I must conduct a surprise inspection on Hedley. I am thinking of making her my demolitions expert. I was impressed with how she, uh, uses her head.
I also must meet with Wolfward, the shape shifter and **sigh** and I guess, Sheldon. I am still befuddled at what skills she has to offer our mission.
Tiggerpaka, the Great, Signing Off
Monday, January 7, 2013
And Now A Message from Our Sponser
Hi there!
This is a brief Message from the Creative Force Behind Tiggerpaka
and this blog.
I consider this blog to be somewhat of a "Role Playing " Blog.
See, I created a character, Tiggerpaka and I set the stage with "his" posts.
Then you react in Character.
It has been great fun.
So far, the way this story has gone, it is all of us against Pokemon798.
I am guessing he likes the role of the "villian" or he would stop playing.
But, Pokemon798---I do not want any name calling, keep this fun and light hearted, not personal.
And to my, I mean, Tiggerpaka's Minions
Please don't take Pokemon798 seriously, I believe he is having fun with this role play, although he tends to be very "violent" (but if you look closely, sometimes he is very funny, too), I am hoping it is all in fun
and I have been very proud at how many of you have "handled" him.
I laugh at the way you "destroy" him or "block" his attacks with the grace and manners
of someone from a royal court.
Very funny stuff, I think.
So again, this is all role playing.
If characters start being mean, bullying, name calling or having hurt feelings I will end the blog,
because that is not my purpose.
I probably won't keep this blog going much longer anyway bc I am busy with
my other "creations" (Tiggerkat) and other blogs.
thanks guys and have fun!
PS: If you have any concerns about a character or ideas for a post you can email me at:
Love you guys!!!!
(yes, even you guys on my, er, Tiggerpaka's #2 list!!)
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Surprise Inspection on the Infantry
DATE: January 5, 2013
TIME: 0900
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
MINIONS REPORTING TO DUTY: Eagle Eye, My General of Rodents and Lagormorphs

For some unknown reason, Eagle Eye did not look very surprised.
But then I shouldn't be surprised that she wasn't surprised, after all, she is my Top Secret Spy!
As I arrived to the training fields all her rodents and Lagomorphs were in war simulations.
First To be inspected were the Ninjachillas. They were practicing their lethal maneuvers on a test dummy made to look like the enemy. Notice the smile and pride shown by Eagle Eye as she directs her troops!

Next we inspected the Lagomorphs. As the more intelligent of these creatures, Eagle Eye has selected them to fill command positions. At the time of my inspection they were setting up headquarters from which to direct assaults.

The Hamsters were in the field practicing their marching maneuvers.

And their field commander was directing their every move.

Wait a minute! Cup? Is that you??
Hmmmm......Sheldon finally made a contribution of some worthiness.
Next Eagle Eye showed me her special forces trainees.
They call themselves "G-Force"

From Eagle Eye's reports these Guinea pigs are highly trained and skilled in many forms of deadly arts.
So under Eagle Eye's skillful leadership, I think we have a top notch fighting force!
(what a shame, rodents are delicious little creatures, I was almost hoping they would fail.)
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
TIME: 0900
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
MINIONS REPORTING TO DUTY: Eagle Eye, My General of Rodents and Lagormorphs
For some unknown reason, Eagle Eye did not look very surprised.
But then I shouldn't be surprised that she wasn't surprised, after all, she is my Top Secret Spy!
As I arrived to the training fields all her rodents and Lagomorphs were in war simulations.
First To be inspected were the Ninjachillas. They were practicing their lethal maneuvers on a test dummy made to look like the enemy. Notice the smile and pride shown by Eagle Eye as she directs her troops!
Next we inspected the Lagomorphs. As the more intelligent of these creatures, Eagle Eye has selected them to fill command positions. At the time of my inspection they were setting up headquarters from which to direct assaults.
The Hamsters were in the field practicing their marching maneuvers.
And their field commander was directing their every move.
Wait a minute! Cup? Is that you??
Hmmmm......Sheldon finally made a contribution of some worthiness.
Next Eagle Eye showed me her special forces trainees.
They call themselves "G-Force"
From Eagle Eye's reports these Guinea pigs are highly trained and skilled in many forms of deadly arts.
So under Eagle Eye's skillful leadership, I think we have a top notch fighting force!
(what a shame, rodents are delicious little creatures, I was almost hoping they would fail.)
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Journal Entry #307: Private Meeting with Milne
DATE: January 2, 2013
TIME: 1545
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
MINIONS REPORTING TO DUTY: Milne, Secretary of Propaganda
Today I made a surprise inspection on my Secretary of Propaganda, Milne.
(I wonder if anyone has decoded that name yet?)

Her office was a bit of a mess:

But her manners impeccable! .
She offered my favorite beverage, Beetle Juice

Then she showed me her work station:

And the latest propaganda she has designed as I plot the conquering of the Blogosphere:

Soon, very soon
I will be in all the newspapers!

I will be on the cover of magazines!

and on every channel of your TV

Yes, Milne is a Magnificent, Brilliant Secretary of Propaganda!
Soon, I will be a super star!!

Tiggerpaka, The Great, Signing Off
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
TIME: 1545
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
MINIONS REPORTING TO DUTY: Milne, Secretary of Propaganda
Today I made a surprise inspection on my Secretary of Propaganda, Milne.
(I wonder if anyone has decoded that name yet?)

Her office was a bit of a mess:
But her manners impeccable! .
She offered my favorite beverage, Beetle Juice
Then she showed me her work station:
And the latest propaganda she has designed as I plot the conquering of the Blogosphere:
Soon, very soon
I will be in all the newspapers!
I will be on the cover of magazines!
and on every channel of your TV
Yes, Milne is a Magnificent, Brilliant Secretary of Propaganda!
Soon, I will be a super star!!
Tiggerpaka, The Great, Signing Off
Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off
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