Friday, June 21, 2013

Better Lunchables!!

So that Loser Tiggerkat thinks she can make epic Lunchables?


I am coming out with my own product line of Lunchables!!

Here is mine:


And for Helga

For the Kits

And for Yoho

That's right!!!!

It's Empty!!!

Time for Yoho to Go Go!!

Pack your bags and GO HOME!!!!


  1. Lol, "Time for Yoho to go go!"
    Very funny indeed, sir.

  2. Can I be a minion I am a fogiuscorn fox unicorn Pegasus

    1. Hmmmmmm...tell me alittle about your self?? Can you fly? Can I ride you into battle?

    2. I can fly into battle I am smart and I can cast magic spells and.. well I am crazy but funny crazy not evil crazy like the joker and I am shy and get scared sometimes and I have a very bad temper and well MEOW WOOF Yap(I dun't know why I did that) I can also talk to any animal

    3. I also have a bag a wear witch has a 3ds that I modified to hack things and talk to people like a walkie-talkie and you can ride me just don't pull my hair or I get really mad and attack grass and rocks


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