Friday, July 12, 2013

Undercover Investigation Day 1

DATE: July 12, 2013
TIME:  1652
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere accompanied by Faithful Servant Nutello
Nutello secured our transportion as we track my betrayors: 

Tiggerkat and Great Scott

Nutello is really excited by her find!
She said its a comfy ride
Can't wait to see what she got!

***face palm***
Thin Ice, Nutello!

Thin Ice!



  1. * gives thin ice to Tiggerpaka* :P

    1. *takes ice*

      Helga! Smash some grubs! We're making smoothies!

      *scurries with arm load of thin ice back to den*


Be careful how you comment.........You want to Remain on my Good Side, I promise you! And be sure to throw a Grub in the Bowl there when you leave your comment!