Friday, September 27, 2013

Time is Up !!

I am going over my Minion Files as you read this
to determine how to best re-structure my empire.

As security at HQ has been breeched
(as it seems Tiggerkat has blabbed our location all over the 100 acre jungle)

We will have to move!

Nutello!  Begin drawing up plans for the new and improved HQ!

And to keep our future plans secret from 
the Dreaded Scoobeedoo

This Blog Shall Self-Destruct at an Undisclosed Time!

All Minions Shall Forever Now Report To:


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Update from Tiggerpaka, the Great and Powerful

I have been very busy devising plans for our new mission.  I have been reviewing intelligence and briefings and reviewing your submissions for renewal as my minions.  Decisions will be made soon and details forth coming.  In the meantime, continue to leave grubs and fretfully ponder your fates.

fondly yours,
Tiggerpaka the Great and Powerful

Saturday, September 21, 2013



**paces around looking minions up and down**

Let's see now...

I left here in July to pursue that worthless Tiggerkat and Great Scott.

Nutello sticks me on this ship and leaves the scene.

**glares at Nutello who shrinks back hiding a smirk**

Lucky for me I ran into Captain Jack!

Now which one of you worthless creatures told Helga where to find me??

**everyone looks over at a husky named Mimi/Cookie**

Why are you all looking at Cookie??!!

**stomach growls**


 Get to the kitchen and cook up some grubs!  I'm starving!

**Looks back at group**

Some of You Minions have been awfully Silent Lately!!

If I don't see comments here soon I will be

dismissing you with Dishonorable Discharges!!

You will hang your head in shame for eternity!!

**stomps over to Milne**


You were left in Charge of the TFEOBB

I don't see ANY POSTS!!!!

**Milne tries to speak**


No excuses!

Besides, we are scrapping the whole thing!

That's right, I am cancelling TFEOBB

We have new pursuits!

**Climbs onto Table for Dramatic Effect as he looks over everyone**

We have a New Enemy

That's right---Pokemon and Tireblade have been Defeated!

This new enemy is more devious, more cunning
more dangerous
than any we have seen before!

I will give you a full briefing at a to be determined time and location!

Until Then You must Report in Below 

in the Comment Section  in one weeks time