Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Worst Day Ever!

My long lost cousin showed up today!


He made this surprise visit today and  Helga thinks he is soooo sweet!

She wants him to stay for as long as he likes! 

I forbid it, I told her!

Then she said if unless I wanted to start cooking all my own meals, I'd better be nice.

(see, he's ruining things already!)

So what choice did I have!

And then she....


hugged me!


Whenever Yoho is around, bad things always happen!

He's nothin' but bad luck!

He said it's because his lucky "Y" was sewed on backwards.

He plans to ask Helga to fix that.

She doesn't have time for that!

She has a house to clean, meals to cook!

And YES I know it's  Mother's Day!

That's why I told her she could skip Laundry, generous guy that I am!


I got to figure out a way to get rid of this pest.....



  1. Personally I found Yoho funny. xP

    1. Same :)

      (but I don't think Tiggerpaka wants to hear that from minions :P)

    2. **glares at minions**

      **grunts in disgust and walks away**

  2. *bows* Oh Tiggerpaka the Great!
    I'm dreadfully sorry to hear some moron is bugging you. Do you wish me to chuck him off a cliff? Into a pit of lava? Boil him and serve him to the ancient Egyptian crocodiles?

  3. FINALLY!! A minion with Sense!!

    I promote thee to Favorite Adviser & Reporter to Tiggerpaka!!


Be careful how you comment.........You want to Remain on my Good Side, I promise you! And be sure to throw a Grub in the Bowl there when you leave your comment!