Well, It seems to Me that TFEOB is beginning to loose viewers.
And Who Could Blame you good Folks??
TFEOB is in a steady decline in its quality of writing and style.
And there is Only One Person to Blame.....
Who Sometimes goes by the Name:
(weird name, IKR)
So, Being the Good Friend that I am
I thought I would Offer a FEW Suggestions on How to Improve TFEOB
1. Great Rid of Ash, he just drags the story down with all his worry and negativity
2. Get Rid of Dusty and Rust, they think they're funny....But they are not
3. Get Rid of GoldWing.....He aint' that smart
4. Bounce Tiggerkat right out of there
5. You don't need Eclipse, Crystal, Slice, Charlotte, Flare,Feather, Airia, or Creature
They just water down the plot and don't offer any real support to the story
6. Change your Blog Name---TFEOB is a bit tedious
7. The Banner needs to be updated, it is too dark and too....well, wolfish
8. Get rid of the Page "Ask Dusty and Rust", I mean, who Cares what they think?!!
9. Eliminate the Fire Benders......especially TireBlade, they are boring and lame
10. Update your "Featured Story Blogs", the list is grossly incomplete!
Now, when Those FEW things are done, Here is what you do:
1. Write more regarding that Dashing Hero: Tiggerpaka
2. Tiggerpaka is full of wit and skill, so he can provide REAL comic relief and REAL action!
3. Make Tiggerpaka the Leader of the Bending Tower---He is a natural born Leader
and Has the Blog to prove it! (You're reading it RIGHT NOW as a matter of fact!)
4.& 5. Tiggerpaka comes with Minions that can strongly and deftly support his crusades.
6. New Title Suggestion: "Tiggerpaka the Great: Emperor of the Bloggospheare and All Round Good Guy"
7. Create a Banner that is Bright and Green and Featuring a more Meerkat-ish Figure
8. Add a Q&A page featuring the Wisdom of Tiggerpaka
9. Meerkats are exciting and NEVER boring
And that Should Salvage this Misery of a Blog and Increase your Viewership!!
You May Thank Me Now