Monday, January 7, 2013

And Now A Message from Our Sponser

Hi there!

This is a brief Message from the Creative Force Behind Tiggerpaka
and this blog.

I consider this blog to be somewhat of a "Role Playing " Blog.

See, I created a character, Tiggerpaka and I set the stage with "his" posts.

Then you react in Character.

It has been great fun.

So far, the way this story has gone, it is all of us against Pokemon798.

I am guessing he likes the role of the "villian" or he would stop playing.

But, Pokemon798---I do not want any name calling, keep this fun and light hearted, not personal.

And to my, I mean, Tiggerpaka's Minions

Please don't take Pokemon798 seriously, I believe he is having fun with this role play, although he tends to be very "violent" (but if you look closely, sometimes he is very funny, too), I am hoping it is all in fun
and I have been very proud at how many of you have "handled" him.

I laugh at the way you "destroy" him or "block" his attacks with the grace and manners 
of someone from a royal court.

Very funny stuff, I think.

So again, this is all role playing.

If characters start being mean, bullying, name calling or having hurt feelings I will end the blog,
because that is not my purpose.  

I probably won't keep this blog going much longer anyway bc I am busy with
my other "creations"  (Tiggerkat) and other blogs.

thanks guys and have fun!

PS:  If you have any concerns about a character or ideas for a post you can email me at:

Love you guys!!!!
(yes, even you guys on my, er, Tiggerpaka's  #2 list!!)


  1. Wait, why'd you say this? Did someone cross the line?

    1. I think they were referring to Helga, she is always trying to hold me back from achieving my DESTINY !!!!!!!!!

      **Puts on Ninja Mask**

      C'mon Wolfward, let's practice your shape shifting! Can you shape shift into an aardvark and fetch me some termites?

    2. HMMM... *Shapeshifts into a aardvark* Okay I'll be right back! *Walks into bushes, trying to find termites* >:D

  2. Indeed I am having fun I know exactly who started the blog
    In the REAL WORLD

    1. **sneaks up behind pokemon798, lights firecracker, runs and hides**


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