Monday, January 14, 2013

Journal Entry # 422: A Lesson in Shape Shifting

DATE:  January 14, 2013
HEAD OFFICER SIGNING IN: Tiggerpaka the Great; Future Emperor of the Bloggosphere
MINIONS REPORTING TO DUTY: Wolfward; Shadow Lord, Shape Shifter

My Photo

Seargent Wolfward is a great Shape Shifter!

When she first came to me, begging to join my ranks of minions she was a Squid

Then she Shape Shifted into a Gray Wolf with Yellow Eyes

This is a remarkable talent, one that will serve me well

So at today's meeting I will master this Shape Shifting Skill!

I am thinking:  Meerkat-Dragon!!

Wolfward:  "Excellent Choice, Future Emperor Tiggerpaka!  Let's begin"

"First you must clear your mind!"

Wolfward:  "Very Good, Sir!  Now....Think Wings......Large, Dragon Wings!!"

How do I look, Wolfward?  Am I terrifying??

Wolfward:  "Uh......Yess, Sir, Terrifying, But not quite There.... Perhaps we build up to Meerkat-Dragon."

Great!  I want to Shape Shift into a Fierce Warrior and Leader that No One can Ignore!

 Wolfward:  "Great!   Let's Think Raw Strength and Power, Charisma and Charm!"

How's this, Wolfward?

Wolfward: (holds in giggle) "Very Impressive, Emperor, Sir.  Now, Let's go for something really, really Big!"

" Think Large and Powerful!"

Oh yeah!  I'm feeling it Now!!  What do you think, Wolfward?!

Wolfward:  "Uh.....Fantastic! Yes, Fantastic.  But Let's Try again, I'll keep it simpler"

"Think Furry and Evil Genius!"

Like this Wolfward?  This one feels Fierce!  Hand me a Mirror!

Hmmmmmm........Wolfward.......You are Dismissed!

Tiggerpaka the Great, Signing Off


  1. *Stifling laughter* are very good at shape-shifting xD

  2. Maybe I will be a better teacher a shape shifting sir


  3. You are very fierce indeed. Enough to scare away the school, do visit them soon.

  4. Ah, I feel as if I should explain why...uhm...this lesson didn't go as well as...most likely planned.
    You see, sometimes you have to be BORN a shape-shifter.
    sometimes you don't.
    I think this is one of those times when you have to be born a shape-shifter. c:

    -- Wolfward

  5. Err...Great job! I should try that sometime.

  6. Uh... Great job, Sir Tiggerpaka the Great! Very fierce... *cough, cough*

    *drops grub in bowl*

    Skittles the Scholar


Be careful how you comment.........You want to Remain on my Good Side, I promise you! And be sure to throw a Grub in the Bowl there when you leave your comment!