Thursday, January 31, 2013

Attention Minions!

Sheldon has accused "anonymous" of spam in the comments of my final post.

What should one expect from a brainless tigger?!  I have reviewed the comment entry and determined it to be some kind of secret code.   Now I could easily crack this code, but I am a very busy meerkat, starring in TFEOB and I hand this trivial task over to you!

Do Not Fail Me!

Your Beloved Dear Leader,
Tiggerpaka, the Great


  1. Hm. Tiggerpaka, I'm also very busy and can't crack that code at the moment, but I was thinking of making a blog of my own like this.
    In memory of you.
    But aren't you going to come back heroically?

    1. Heroically? I am coming back in a chariot of flames!! (like katniss, I love that girl!---sigh!**gets all doe eyed**)

      *Ahem!* regains composer*

      But Helga wont let me get a chariot. She's afraid I will run over the kits......

  2. I, the amazing Kinyonga, have decoded it!!
    It's written all over: SPAM!
    Just joking! :D
    It really says:

    To Tiggerpaka the Great. I have heard you are leaving. Most distressed. Please return immediately, for Tiggerkat is causing more drastic trouble. Yours, for ever onwards, Bob.

    Aww! How nice of Bob! ;)

    1. Hmmmmmm.......that may be a literal translation.....But I don't trust Bob! Everyone knows Tiggerkat is nothing but trouble. That message is too simple. There must be a hidden meaning.

      Dig Deeper Minion!

  3. It means some random person named Stanley wants your attention...

    1. Random? nothing is random in blogs and war, my dear. We must find out who sent this Stanley person to my blog!

      By we, I mean YOU! Get to work, Minion!

    2. Well...

      lewot dna rewohs gnivas ecaps ... golbew ym tisiv osla
      .steuaf eht fo =
      of thе fauсets.
      Also visit my weblog ... space saving shower rod and towel bar

  4. it says

    tiggerpaka i have travled far to tell you pokemon798 is planning acttck and thinks this is a weakness however i take no sides but i must tell you there is a spy among your army- anoymous

    well thats what i think it says if i find out more i will tell you.... -pulls out code book and starts reading-

    1. That's IT!! Good Job General Rosey Icywolf! You are now my general of secret codes!

      Now we must root out that spy...........I am most suspicious of.....Tiggerkat!

    2. -_- Rosey I am not a spy



Be careful how you comment.........You want to Remain on my Good Side, I promise you! And be sure to throw a Grub in the Bowl there when you leave your comment!